Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Getting started

How is FlexIQ delivered to me?
SaaS for you. You focus on the things you can do especially great. We do the whole data business. No operations, no worries left to you. Just data delight.
What are the main software components of FlexIQ?
The FlexIQ SaaS model comprises three main components: Integration modules for web platforms and mobile product instrumentation, scalable services for data processing and storage, and a frontend client for visually managing data collection and analysis (available from PRO plan).
Is the full FlexIQ stack modular?
Yes. The full stack includes instrumentation, data collection, processing, tasty analytics, and sharply targetable proactive push actions for customer intimacy. All in one. Or as much of the stack as you like. You are in control.
Does FlexIQ support me all the way from instrumentation up to analysis and actions?
Yes. From instrumentation for data generation to collection to processing to analysis to actions … and back to refined data generation. FlexIQ actively supports all phases of your data lifecycle, so you can gather and organize all your data in one workflow. No more patchy, no more messy. Data business is clean business with FlexIQ.
Does FlexIQ support me also for user studies and beta tests?
Yes. From focused in-depth studies with functional prototypes, to actual usage of websites, software, and tangible electronics products by millions of customers around the world… FlexIQ supports you every step of the way throughout your product’s lifecycle. Seamless scaling up across platforms. Your invisible power.
Why do I need interactive usage-flow visuals as a core means for analysis?
Because aggregate statistics can take you only a small part of the way. Usage flows, processes and customer journeys all become crystal clear with FlexIQ’s interactive visuals: Flexibly zoom in and out on usage flows to discover trends or specifics to optimize your product’s feature set. Probe motivations, intentions, and feelings of your customers in context of specific usage flows by push actions. And detect influence of usage flows on customer feelings to improve their experiences.
What kind of customer support may I expect from FlexIQ?
We believe that support should be personal: With us, you touch base with the same expert every time, providing you with outstanding support. Help with initial instrumentation of FlexIQ into your products? Seeking training to jumpstart getting the right information from the field like a pro? Wondering coaching possibilities to enable making the most of FlexIQ’s full stack? You name it. Whatever it is … we are thrilled to cater for it!

Your company and FlexIQ

As a product manager, what is in FlexIQ for me?
Using FlexIQ analytics you can track product acceptance in the market, do new features’ validation, and detect, observe and act upon emerging trends… before your competition does.
As a UX professional or designer, what is in FlexIQ for me?
Using FlexIQ analytics you can interactively explore and investigate specific usage flows of all user segments around the world, detect unexpected user behavior and attitude, and improve the interaction design of your products. Design is finally bridged with evaluation.
As a (digital/online) market researcher, what is in FlexIQ for me?
Using FlexIQ’s integrated survey creation, submission, and analysis feature, you can actively start/stop surveys as tied to specific usage patterns or special group of users for any specific time period. And surely, you get to include all results in your analytics. No more being misled by users who do not do what they say they do. You get to see users’ actions and their survey responses jointly in one view for detailed analytics. Holistic and verified information via FlexIQ will be your secret power. Bonus is that you can readily and seamlessly adapt your research criteria while outreaching to a global audience. Your end-users will not experience any interruptions or adaptations you do on the real-time information loops.
As a developer or IT professional, what is in FlexIQ for me?
Using FlexIQ you can readily deploy scalable usage tracking and actions to see and react to what is happening in the field in real-time.
As a customer service and support professional, what is in FlexIQ for me?
Using FlexIQ you can provide direct and targeted customer service, improve call center performances, and reduce operations costs.
Which operations of my company can directly and actively benefit from FlexIQ’s analytics?
By using FlexIQ software and services, your company’s product design-development, market research, and customer service operations will immediately start cashing in. By achieving excellent customer experiences through real-time and proactive information loops enabled by FlexIQ, your company will win and sustain an essential competitive advantage in the rapidly changing global market.


How is the privacy of my customers managed?
FlexIQ is about anonymized usage flows instead of user data. End-users can actively opt in and out, and adjust the extent of data they would like to contribute. We are committed to a sustainable analytics business, in which we see the end-user as a key partner, who by opting-in not only provides data, but by doing so deserves recognition, respect and compensation.
Who owns my data?
Your data belongs to you, no one else. We do not make use of partial or full datasets or even aggregates of our clients (unlike some competitors). FlexIQ acts as your dedicated vault for all your data.
Where is my data stored and processed?
Based on your needs, servers can be placed on-site or in close proximity. We use only powerful servers, fully dedicated to our clients. Do not be bothered by neighbors on the server. And relax as your data stays safe and at your service for real-time as well as in retrospect analytics.

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